Peoria Population and Peoria Demographic information:
Covering: Peoria County, Tazewell County, Woodford County, Stark County, Marshall County
Total Peoria Population: 366,899 people (Peoria Metro-Area)
Total Households: 139,300
The Census Peoria Median Household Income for Peoria, Illinois (in 2005 inflation-adjusted dollars) is $40,276. Median Peoria Family Income is $58,267 and the Median Per Capita Peoria Income is $25,791
(U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000)
Peoria Household Incomes:
| Annual Income: |
11.9% | - | Under $15,000 |
10.8% | - | $15,000 - $25,000 |
11.5% | - | $25,000 - $35,000 |
15.8% | - | $35,000 - $50,000 |
21.6% | - | $50,000 - $75,000 |
12.9% | - | $75,000 - $100,000 |
10.8% | - | $100,000 - $150,000 |
4.7% | - | $150,000+ |
The Peoria area includes a total of 49,619 Peoria Housing Units of
which 63.5% were Owner Occupied, 36.5 were Renter Occupied, and 9.2%
were vacant.
Peoria Household Makeup:
44.2% - |
Married |
35.3% - |
Never Married |
10.8% - |
Divorced |
7.4% - |
Widowed |
2.3% - |
Peoria Race and Ethnicity:
Asian |
3.8% |
Black or African American |
28.7% |
Hispanic or Latino |
2.1% |
White |
65.1% |
Other |
1.4% |
Peoria Education:
19,582 people residents within the
Peoria Metro area are enrolled in a local college or university. 57% of
those students are enrolled in a college or university full time. |
High School Graduate or Higher: |
90% |
Bachelor's Degree or Higher: |
36.4% |
Top Peoria Occupations:
Management, professional, and related occupations: |
44% |
Sales and office occupations: |
25.7% |
Service occupations: |
16% |
Production, transportation, and material moving occupations: |
10.2% |
Peoria Transportation:
Average commute time: 20 mins.
81% - |
Drive to work alone |
8% - |
Carpool |
2.4% - |
Use Public Transportation |
4.6% - |
Work at Home |