Management Peoria Resume
Management Peoria Resume
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Seeking Job: Management
Position Desired: Management
Cover Letter:
Dear Hiring Executive,
Throughout my career, I have always asked supervisors a key question: where do you need me? As a result, more often than not I was assigned the jobs nobody wanted, with the challenge to raise the bar and implement upgrades and training to improve efficiency, compliance, and teamwork. This is where I excel.
When I took over a leadership position for the US Navy, the center I was to manage had failed the previous annual inspection and lots of things were falling through the cracks. Mandated training wasn?t being implemented as it should have been and there was no process in place to track who needed or had completed what training.
I required everyone to train at least one other person in their job, and then I trained them in writing standard operating procedures to create step-by-step documentation. I also helped in the creation of an Excel spreadsheet that tracked training for all personnel and was accessible to everyone on the Intranet. I must have done something right. We went from failure to #1 in the region.
Failure has simply never been an option for me. As a maintenance supervisor on a Navy Fast Frigate, I had 6 entry level personnel with minimal training as we were about to embark on a mission in the Persian Gulf. To make things even more difficult, I had less than half the number of personnel required to do the job. I worked long hours to make sure we met every maintenance deadline and I implemented intensive training and coaching, bringing personnel up to speed as quickly as possible.
My leadership style speaks for itself. Only 5% of Navy personnel ever earn the title of Chief. I have personally trained ten people into Chief positions. If you give me an assignment, I?ll do whatever it takes to get it done right and on time. I will upgrade my skills if necessary, foster teamwork, track processes and progress, implement necessary training, set goals, and make sure we achieve them. It?s what I?ve been doing throughout m
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Last Updated: Mar 8, 2013 @ 8:30am
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