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Knee To Throat

Knee To Throat

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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:35am  
Where were all you guys when Percy King was killed? He was in the company of 200 people(so it's been told). Nobody is protesting and no arrests have been made. You mean no one saw anything? Or is it that your concern for life and humanity only applies when a cop is involved? Then it's the end of the world. I'll wait for a legitimate response. ....but I won't hold my breath none of you will call an ambulance.
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:37am  
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:37am  
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Crispus Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:39am  
@ClaudeK : I have a relative who's a cop in Peoria, and I don't think they're particularly nervous. That said, I don't agree with painting all people with the same brush, whether it be cops, blacks, men, etc. There are good and bad people within each group. (I might make an exception for people who still strongly support Trump today, but that's a different discussion.)
The cops in question in this incident sure deserve what's coming to them, IMO. As to the larger picture of unarmed black men being killed by police in general...I'm not sure what the solution is. I agree that it's hard to grab the attention of most Americans to make them care about things like this, so I can sympathize with the view that flashy violence will help vent frustration and get results faster, but I don't think it'll be productive in the long run. Aside from the fact that targeting random businesses doesn't punish the true perpetrators, it'll also fuel growth of the anti-black crowd, both white supremacists and the more subtle racists that exist in abundance around here. The last thing most of us want in this country, in all demographics, is some sort of race war.
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:41am  
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:48am  
@Crispus : Sorry. That was mean of me. I don't wish you or your family member harm.
No one ever says "My uncle is a cop and he's a real ******"... We keep telling the same lie, it seems. I'm tired of all cops aren't bad bs. Yes they are, if they're not speaking up, speaking out and affecting change, I think they're just as responsible.
I'm sick of the idea that's its just a few bad police. Clearly it's not just a few bad ones. I think there's a pervasive undercurrent of racism that among white cops and I'm sick of playing nice.
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ChefKevin Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:49am  
He knows that. White men are keen
@ClaudeK : Because when you lump me into a broad generalization like this, I'll defend myself. I'm sure if I erroneously included you in a negative light generalization, you'd do the same.
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:50am  
@ChefKevin : Not really... What you think of me is none of my business. I'm solid in my beliefs and someone saying otherwise doesn't affect me in the least. I don't have to defend myself to anyone.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 9:58am  
@ClaudeK : Neck and throat are on opposite sides of the body.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:00am  
@ClaudeK : What about black cops? Haven't they "killed" some African Americans too? Do you despise them also?
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:01am  
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AngryCodger Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:05am  
So you're prejudging based on skin color?
Somebody remind me what that's called...
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ClaudeK Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:12am  
@AngryCodger : It's called "I reject the foolish comparison and won't be baited."
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AngryCodger Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:13am  
yes, I would's not a good look
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PeoriaDotCom Active Indicator LED Icon 7 Site Admin
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:17am  
@ClaudeK :
I'm deleting posts calling cops "pigs". Keep it a little more civil, please.
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