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New news complaint! Now that the Journal Star has been raked ove

New news complaint! Now that the Journal Star has been raked ove

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by: RambleOn Active Indicator LED Icon 17 OP 
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:25am  
New news complaint! Now that the Journal Star has been raked over the coals, how about improving local broadcast news? I guess nothing happened over the weekend. I think every story I saw was on events from last week that I had seen on the news on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and probably Sunday. New firehouse, Western Avenue Greenway, Jolt moved and police work from Thursday night through early Friday morning are just a few of the examples. I looked at more than one local station this morning and it was the same thing. Finally went to PBS create and listened to news from Japan.
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skutfarcus Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:29am  
I don't think they get their stories from the wire or by actually reporting, I think they just read the Journal Star and repeat it.
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kraziebill Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:38am  
I'm OK with that because when they do report something local they get it all wrong. I know @RambleOn and I have corrected way too many times where the east bluff actually is Emoticon.
The other day one local station reported a shell casing had hit a house. How in the world they could determine that is beyond me.
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billybob Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:49am  
Word is that for quite awhile there have been a number of ongoing "conflicts" among off camera staffers and possibly "higher ups" wherever they may be. Is it possible there have been resignations or firings within that group? I have no idea.
It is really, really interesting and heartwarming to hear of the great successes some former on air newscasters, from Peoria, have had in other markets. Less infighting and more opportunity to use their journalism skills.
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RambleOn Active Indicator LED Icon 17 OP 
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 10:59am  
I have to hit the mute button when WMBD does the "happy birthday" bit. That music is worse than fingernails on a blackboard, at least to me. Also really very tired of their morning anchors and the use of ABSOLUTELY! They need to expand their vocabulary or stick to the script. Hopefully, absolutely is not part of the script. If it is, my apologies to the anchors.
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DennisinPeoria Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 11:11am  
Sorry if it seems if its been a slow news period, but it's better than reporting on homicides, shootings, and thefts.
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RambleOn Active Indicator LED Icon 17 OP 
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 11:20am  
@DennisinPeoria : I agree with that! Maybe the articles could be re-written to say it a little differently than it was said last night.
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DennisinPeoria Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 2:48pm  
We spoke too soon. There was a stabbing on W. Millman today, involving a couple that police say was a domestic issue. More tonight on WMBD.
www.centralillinoisp news/stabbing-in-peo rias-south-end-
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AntiRanchDrssng Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 3:50pm  
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like either media hires enough people to produce content. When I was the Executive Chef at the IVY Club, I was frequently interviewed for culinary articles for both TV and the Star. That just doesn't happen anymore. At Woodruff, in the culinary department alone, we had a student(s) win a national baking championship, a national runner up cooking competition, 2 top 20 national placings, 7 various state championships, 3 runner up state championships and a third place. You may have heard about some them because various people called the media to let them know. Others went unheralded.
No offense to @DennisinPeoria as this is linked to his profession. Going forward, I think we need to flood all media outlets with POSITIVE things that happen in Peoria.
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DennisinPeoria Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 5:39pm  
And WMBD tries to do that, and we get the same press releases that other outlets get, yet, on another local board, WMBD is considered leftist, and WEEK is not.
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billybob Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:00pm  
I have heard a couple of people say that they think the PJ Star website doesn't seem to be updated as much anymore as news develops though the day. Does anyone else think that too?
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kraziebill Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 17, '22 8:11pm  
@billybob : I know their bridge cam has been broke for over a month and when I sent a message via FB as I have before, this time I've gotten no reply.
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Joeyy Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 18, '22 6:44am  
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Joeyy Active Indicator LED Icon  New Member
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 18, '22 7:16am  
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kraziebill Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 8 mos ago   Jan 18, '22 8:36am  
We'd all be so much better off without it.
@Joeyy : Amen !!
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